
 Part II



28. Provisionallist of contributories.-



(1) Unless the Tribunal dispenses with the settlement of a list of contributories, thCompany Liquidator shall preparand filin the Tribunal not later than twenty-one days after thdatof thwinding up order provisional list of contributories of the company with their nameand addresses, thnumber of shares or the extent of interest to be attributed to each contributory, the amount called up and thamount paid up in respect of such shares or interest, and distinguishing in such list thseveral classes of contributories.

(2) Thlist shall consist of everperson who was a member of thcompany at the commencement of thwinding up or his representative, and shall bdivided into two parts, thfirst part consisting of those who are contributories in their own right, and thsecond part, of those who are contributories as being representatives of, or liablfor thdebts of others, as required under sub-section (1) of section 281and thlist shall bin Form WIN 17.